I’m very pleased to have this book published by Sage in 2021. It is a textbook suitable for undergraduate or post-graduate students. As the title suggests, it is a practical guide to writing a marketing plan – including the strategy component.

If you are a lecturer or instructor of a marketing planning / strategy course, this could be what you are looking for! The book is accompanied by power point slides, lesson guides, and answers to end-of-chapter questions. You can ask me about it on John.Dawes “at” marketingscience.info or contact Sage: here is the link to the book on the Sage site. https://au.sagepub.com/en-gb/oce/marketing-planning-strategy/book276813
Sage will be happy to send you an inspection copy if you are considering it for your course.
The book is also available on Amazon: Australia site
and Amazon US:
and indeed on any amazon site as well as Booktopia: