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Pizza Hut announces what is essentially a physical availability strategy for growth in Aus.
Will this new brand targeted at women succeed?
Nokia considered itself agile
Using concrete language helps customer satisfaction
Advertising – unsung hero for rural communities
Can you get more retweets by following some rules?
Branding cues are the primary driver of ad effectiveness – study finds
These results are not necessarily intuitive. The authors considered that efforts to make branding more salient or prominent “may annoy consumers who may then engage in counterarguments or ad avoidance ….. which could in turn make advertising ineffective” (p. 1).
The product categories used were yogurt, chocolate, shampoo, razors, shower gel, and detergent.
The study also found that explicit functional cues (“removes lime scale residue effectively”), explicit product related cues (“every yoghurt contains 4 billion Bifidus”) and explicit experiential cues (“Feels nice on your skin”) also had a positive association with ad-sales response.